Raj Gautam is the secretary from the Rotary Club of Kathmandu and his visit to Australia was hosted by the Rotary Club of Macendon Ranges. Sally Armstrong President from RC Macedon Ranges also attended when Raj was guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Bendigo on Tuesday, November 8.
The day started early with Raj, Sally and RC Bendigo President Peter hitting the pavement at 9.30am with a discussion with Andrew Howe about assisting homeless people within the Bendigo area.
Following this meeting the group had a meeting with Craig Niemann, the CEO of the City of Greater Bendigo who was very generous with his time and explained how the Council assist those in need within our community.
Thirdly an appointment with Matthew Parkinson from MADCOW. Matthew gave Raj a lot of detail on how his organisation has developed over the past few years. Starting from one person to a staff of 75 today, MADCOW is a self-sufficient organisation.
Finally Raj and Sally attended the luncheon meeting off the Rotary Club of Bendigo and Raj gave a very informative talk on the projects his Club provides in Nepal. It was interesting to note that some nine Rotary Clubs in Australia provide financial assistance to his Club. Another organisation providing assistance is Disaster Aid Australia.
Other projects in which they provide assistance are:-
Agricultural Diversity Project – this project will improve Nepal’s agricultural production through introducing more nutritious crops of fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Emergency Services Dispatch and Response – this improves access to and expanding medical services, providing medical equipment and training health care personnel.
Training violence against women advocates
Wash project – this project will provide support to school students to achieve quality education, provided clean water, sanitation and a hygienic environment.
A Covid Response Project which supported 500 plus families with food,
installed 50 mechanical hand washing stations at hospitals, police stations, prisons, schools and universities.
Supported sets of PPE to front line health staff.
Handed over three sets of SWAB Collection Booths to Health Ministry and Quarantine Centre.
The list goes on so this Rotary Club should be very proud from its achievements.
Following our meeting Raj met with the Nepal committee discussing ways that we can help.
Following his lunch meeting with us Raj was taken to see the great Stupa, he is obviously a very energetic man who works tirelessly within his community assisting others in Nepal.
Pictured above is RC Bendigo President Peter Reading at right with Raj Gautam, second from right, and the Nepal committee.